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PiTe Power In The Etymology: COLOR



  1. the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light:
    "the lights flickered and changed color"
    synonyms: hue · shade · tint · tone · coloration
  2. pigmentation of the skin, especially as an indication of someone's race:
    "discrimination on the basis of color"
    synonyms: skin coloring · skin tone · coloring · race · ethnic group
  3. vividness of visual appearance resulting from the presence of brightly colored things:
    "for color, plant groups of winter-flowering pansies"
  4. (colors)
    an item or items of a particular color or combination of colors worn to identify an individual or a member of a school, group, or organization.


  1. change the color of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.
    synonyms: tint · dye · stain · paint · pigment · wash
  2. (of a person or their skin) show embarrassment or shame by becoming red; blush:
    "everyone stared at him, and he colored slightly"
    synonyms: blush · redden · go pink · go red · flush
  3. influence, especially in a negative way; distort:
    "the experiences had colored her whole existence"
    synonyms: influence · affect · taint · warp · skew · distort · bias · 
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PiTe Power In The Etymology: COLOR PiTe Power In The Etymology:  COLOR Reviewed by HeDoBeMe on 5:51 PM Rating: 5

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